We watched and worshipped with you this morning via your video worship service. What a blessing.
It was, almost, like being there. We thank God for giving us the ability to worship while away, through the giftedness of you all, and the technology to bring it to us.
Thank you,
Jack & Sandy
Thank you Pastor Gilbert for the encouraging Sermon. Thank you Nancy and Deb for the beautiful music and song. We appreciate all of you this morning for the Easter Service. We praise God for Jesus and His resurrection that because He conquered death, we too, His believers will conquer death and be with our Triune God with Him enjoying eternal life forever and ever. Praise God. Although we are apart, we can fellowship through the Holy Spirit this Easter. Again, we say, Praise God.
Jack & Sandy Nichols says
Dear Pastor Gilbert, Nancy and Deb
We watched and worshipped with you this morning via your video worship service. What a blessing.
It was, almost, like being there. We thank God for giving us the ability to worship while away, through the giftedness of you all, and the technology to bring it to us.
Thank you,
Jack & Sandy
Joe and Marla says
Thank you Pastor Gilbert for the encouraging Sermon. Thank you Nancy and Deb for the beautiful music and song. We appreciate all of you this morning for the Easter Service. We praise God for Jesus and His resurrection that because He conquered death, we too, His believers will conquer death and be with our Triune God with Him enjoying eternal life forever and ever. Praise God. Although we are apart, we can fellowship through the Holy Spirit this Easter. Again, we say, Praise God.
Dottie Gardner says
Thank you for a beautiful service on this glorious Easter Day! Hallelujah he has risen!!
Grady says
He is risen indeed!